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onsdag 30. mars 2011

Jimmy Moore om den svenske lav-karbo revolusjonen.

Nå er man i utlandet oppmerksom på den svenske kostrevolusjonen, her i en amerikansk low carb blogg.
 I august er det 2 år siden jeg leste om LCHF, low carb-high fat den første gangen. Siden da har jeg oppdatert meg på svenske blogger om hva som skjer. Det var tidlig tydlig for meg at det var en kostrevolusjon på gang. Det er næmlig slik at alle vi som er er syke er meget interessert i hva som i praksis virker på vår helse. Når vi finner gode verktøy til hvordan vi skal bli friske eller bli mindre syke, da bruker vi dem. Det er næmlig ikke gøy å være syk, hva friske resurssterke personer enn tenker.
Han skriver blant annet:
"Most amazing to me is the fact that this has all happened on the grassroots level through the tireless efforts of a lot of people getting involved in promoting LCHF within their circle of influence. It’s as if people have given up being lied to about how to eat from those experts who are supposed to know better about what is most effective and now the people are turning to alternative sources of information coming from bloggers who are telling their success stories since they are real-life examples of what healthy high-fat, low-carb living can do. My speech on the Low-Carb Cruise in a few weeks is called “Following Your Passion To Change The World” where I will challenge the participants to find their talents and use them to bring about change in support of this amazing low-carb lifestyle. The time for making this happen is NOW!

Will we see a similar trend like what has happened in Sweden start to happen someday soon in the United States of America? It may seem improbable and maybe even impossible to fathom right now. But perhaps the Swedes are giving us a foretaste of the future of America, Canada, the UK, Australia, New Zealand, and other countries around the world who desperately need their own dietary revolution to take place. I have a feeling it’s coming sooner than later and I’ll be here ready, willing, and able to do my part to help educate, encourage, and inspire the masses when it does. Will you?"
Les mer på:

LCHF revolusjonen er en stor snøball som triller rasker og raskere....

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